Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

My First Concert with ɱαhαωαϑitrα

you know, my favorite quote from frederic chopin,
"Yesterday's Concert was a success. I hasten to let you know. I inform your Lordship that I was not a bit nervous and played as I play when I am alone. It went well... and I had to come back and bow four times."
So, two days ago, I had my first concert with ɱαhαωαϑitrα. musikampus ix. First time loooh FIRST TIME!! omg. I was so happy.
and a little change to the chopin quotes,

"Yesterday's concert was a success. I hasten to let you know. At first, I was a bit nervous, but at the end I played it well. My favorite was the phantom of the opera. We got standing applause for that song. Fabulous! Though that was my first time playing in an orchestra and also my first concert with ɱαhαωαϑitrα. 
sincerely, DR."

Well I was sooooo happy.
And now, I feel like wanna have another concert. miss that time practicing violin together. huaaa I really really like playing violin. :"""") Although I was in the violin 2. I was so happy, especially when playing the "Hungarian Dance" and "The Phantom of the Opera"

For the Hungarian Dance, I usually practice it in seminat strings. so it was not a big deal. but for the Phantom of the Opera, wowww it is really phantom banget! It is very difficult, the first four bar we have to play it "Pesante"-ly mainnya ga nyante bgt. My strings teacher in ɱαhαωαϑitrα said that "Pesante" means "Ga nyantain" tapi sumpah gue suka bgt lagu itu. walaupun awalnya "that awkward moment" ini lagu apasih ga jelas :s blablabla syalala ~(-_- ~) Tapi super puas bgt main lagu itu!!! senangnyaaa!!!

selain 2, lagu itu kita jg mainin lagu new york new york. tam tam tralala tam tam tralala.
I want to wake up in the city that never sleep.
It's up to you New York, New York!!!

It is also one of my favorite song because the first time I heard that song, it was in the Grand Indonesia magical fountain. Trus sebenernya lagu the Phantom of the Opera itu yaaa beberapa bagian lagunya ada juga di air mancur Grand Indonesia.

Ada juga lagu Telemann (sounds like Telepon or Telencephalon) Concerto in G Dur. and lagu itu gue kasih nama "Isa's Concerto" because it is the song for solo viola, and the soloist was kak Isa. I named it so.

Lagu two Piano Concerto in C dur. This song cuma latian 3 kali, dari 3 itu cuma 1 yg efektif. sumpah lagunya  bukannya susah sih, cuma banyak tacetnya jadinya bingung mau masuknya kapan dan dimana.

Indonesia Raya --> lagu wajibnya ɱαhαωαϑitrα kalo mau konser. was played before the concert started.

Udaaaah itu aja lagu-lagunya.

rambut berkepang ala Rapunzel dikepangin Mama :*

Huft pingin konser lagi :3 seruuu deh. Pingin main biola bareng-bareng lagi.
what's so special from violin is, you need others to play it. the power of 1 flute is equal to 10 violin. :O
That's why more violin is needed to play in an orchest. Well of course you can play it alone, but playing it alone apa enaknya? Lebih seru kan mainin brg2. Dan juga kalo mainin bareng2 itu rasanya jd maju bersama2 ahaha kayak jargon 2011 maju! :p

violinno secondo!! ({})
I was so happy not only because it is my first time concert in an orchestra. and in ɱαhαωαϑitrα. but also it was one of my mom's old dream. So I was very happy to make it come true.

Gara-gara mau konser I haven't study for the neuroscience summative 2.
the phantom of neuroscience :O

ohya btw congrats fur mein Bruder!! He was accepted in the Senior High School near the railway, near the river. located in the thorn hill. Yeayy selamat mendaki bukit duri yaa my Bruder!! :*

mid June 2012


Selasa, 08 Mei 2012


Orkes Simfoni Universitas Indonesia Mahawaditra proudly presents:

Holiday Concert

Bramana Putra
FEUI 2009

Benedicta Mutiara S.
FKUI 2009

Friday, 15th June 2012
starts at 16.30
@ Balai Sidang BNI UI Depok
HTM Rp15.000,00

Ticket reservation:
Mulki 081361338235

Twitter: @OSUIMahawaditra

Grab your tickets now and starts holiday early.
Holiday starts from this concert!

Senin, 30 April 2012

Sushi Ice Cream

Today I ate special sushi. why is it called special? It is sushi that you can only found in ice cream store, Haagen Dazs. This sushi is not made of salmon, nori etc. It is made of ice cream.
Macademia ice cream, which is my moms fav, combined with fruits topping (mango, kiwi, rasberry, and strawberry).

Sushi ice cream is a new product, launched in April 2012. 4 pieces of sushi.

It is delicious, but I don't like strawberry and kiwi.


Minggu, 29 April 2012

yesterday's concert

"Yesterday's concert was a success. I hasten to let you know. I inform your Lordship that I was not a bit nervous and played as I play when I am alone. It went well... and I had to come back and bow four times."

- Frederic Chopin

so yesterday I played violin in parasitology's hall and that's what I felt.


Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012